Welcome to Remote Desktop Manager

Quick Start

Remote Desktop Manager comes with a local SQL Lite data source. It is enough to quickly test out remote connections (e.g. SSH or Microsoft Remote Desktop) and other types of entries.

To try role-based access control, you need to add an advanced data source.

To add a new data source, click File – Data Sources.

Remote Desktop Manager imports credentials from 16 third-party applications. It is an efficient way to build your data. The imported information can be converted into different types of entry, e.g. username/password, Login (account), and Website.

Configure your Session
  • You can use credential entries to open remote connections, called sessions in Remote Desktop Manager.

  • Credential repositories link one credential or a list of credentials with sessions.

  • To see the types of information you can import, go to File - Import.

When it comes to entries, there are a lot of different options. Here's a quick way to set up an RDP (Microsoft Remote Desktop) entry:

  • Name the entry.

  • Enter the Host address.

  • Choose Credential Repository and link a credential entry with this session. You can also enter the username and password directly in the entry by choosing Default.

  • Now open the session with one click. Click Open Session on the Home tab.

For more Information on how to use Remote Desktop Manager, visit our Online Help or watch our step-by-step tutorial videos on Getting Started for Teams with Remote Desktop Manager: