Transform Your Environment

Transform Your Environment

Managed Services Providers like you face many challenges when it comes to centralizing your customer information. Fortunately, Remote Desktop Manager transforms your environment by letting you:

  • Share remote connections with your team members located in the next office -- or on the other side of the world.
  • Securely store passwords and credentials, which not only boost security but cuts down on help desk calls.
  • Keep your entire team up-to-date at all times, which is critical in an ever-changing workplace.
Satisfy Your Customers' Security Needs

Satisfy Your Customers' Security Needs

These days, securing customer data and keeping it “out of the wrong hands” isn't an option: it's what your customers need, expect and demand. With Remote Desktop Manager, you won't have to worry about satisfying your customers' security needs -- and neither will they - because you'll be able to:

  • Share only what you need, and only with those you choose.
  • Control who has access to information.
  • Determine access privileges for each level of your information structure.
  • Track all system activity through advanced logging.
Enhance New Customer Integration

Enhance New Customer Integration

Is integrating new customers a time consuming and error-prone task? Not anymore! With Remote Desktop Manager, you'll be able to:

  • Use various import wizards to easily create multiple sessions.
  • Access ready-made templates to dramatically improve productivity and speed.
  • Quickly import data via Active Directory, Network Neighborhood and basic .csv file format imports.
  • Organize and secure customer information with RDM's rich group system.
Speed-Up New Employee Integration

Speed-Up New Employee Integration

Your eager and talented new employees are only productive when they're up and running - which can sometimes take days, or even weeks. Fortunately, Remote Desktop Manager lets you:

  • Grant new employees access to authorized, non-sensitive customer information right away.
  • Empower new employees to launch a session immediately - even before they're assigned a password.
  • Boost individual, team and organizational productivity from day one.
Share Information Across Your Team

Share Information Across Your Team

In a Managed Services environment, retrieving and updating information is easier said than done - especially when things get busy, and rapid change is the norm; not the exception. However, with Remote Desktop Manager you'll be able to:

  • Share current information across your team, and structure it so that they can access it easily and intuitively.
  • Eliminate wasted time entering the same information over and over again when connecting to a customer's resources.
  • Access a single store for all of information, which not only eliminates data duplication, but ensures that all team members always have the most current information possible.
No More Juggling Multiple Tools and Technologies

No More Juggling Multiple Tools and Technologies

Chances are, your customers aren't using the exact same resources - in fact, they're likely using over 100 different tools and technologies. And while this may have been a cause for confusion or even chaos in the past, with Remote Desktop Manager you'll be able to:

  • Handle over 160 tools and technologies seamlessly.
  • Manage all remote connections with a single click, while being completely independent from the technology - and all from a single platform.
  • Access credentials from many popular credential management systems.

The bottom line? Productivity, security, flexibility and efficiency are critical to your success. Remote Desktop Manager has been uniquely designed to "take care of the details" and help Managed Service Providers rise to the next level!