Use Case 12

Devolutions Server + Devolutions Hub Business + PowerShell Secret Management

Integrating Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business with internal PowerShell scripts and Enhanced command-line capabilities

How to leverage PowerShell secret management with Devolutions Hub and Devolutions Server.

Who Is This Use Case For?

This use case is for IT professionals in organizations seeking to integrate Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business with internal PowerShell scripts and enhanced command-line capabilities.

The Problem

Traditionally, credentials in PowerShell scripts are included as plaintext, leading to degraded security and increased attack surfaces. In addition, quickly rotating passwords became difficult as locating all of the stored plaintext passwords was not an easy task.

The Solution

How does an organization enhance PowerShell script security and increase PowerShell command-line tool flexibility? With the Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business PowerShell Secret Management modules, you gain the ability to integrate stored secrets and credentials into your existing PowerShell scripts and processes. Rotate a password in Devolutions Server and see the change on the next run of your script, without needing to track down all instances and manually update the scripts!

How It Works

  1. Install the PowerShell Secret Management Devolutions Hub Business or Devolutions Server modules.
  2. Import the modules with Import-Module.
  3. Retrieve a secret with Get-Secret or create a new secret with Set-Secret.

Summary of Benefits

  • Reduced Attack Surface: All credentials are securely stored in one location, limiting the attack surface.
  • Increased Security: Passwords are not stored in plaintext within a script and accesses to the credentials are easily auditable.
  • Lowered Maintenance: No need to manually track down scripts and rotate plaintext passwords, as a change in Devolutions solutions will automatically return the updated password on the next access.
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