Devolutions Events
ITSec - Sommet de la sécurité informatique au Québec

ITSec - Sommet de la sécurité informatique au Québec
Devolutions is very happy to invite you to join us for the very first edition of ITSec-Quebec's IT Security Summit, which will be held in person on June 9, 2022, at the Saint-Hyacinthe Convention Center.
The Security Summit is the only event that will be fully committed to IT security - an event created by IT professionals for IT professionals.
Are you an IT manager, a network or system administrator? Or do you work in an IT team? Then this event is for you! ITSec will bring together experts in the industry to discuss topics that are part of our daily lives such as data and access protection and the challenges of finding solutions that combine productivity and security.
Join us for an exceptional day! Places are limited!
Visit our website for more information:
""Please take note that this event will only be in French""
About the speakers