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Devolutions Hub

Features and highlights

Comprehensive reports

Devolutions Hub helps enforce organizational standards and evaluate security strategy with precision by tracking every sensitive action carried out by all privileged users and providing exhaustive reports and access logs.

Extensive activity logs

  • Capture all events around account operations, user login attempts, all actions made on passwords, users, administrator activity, and more.
  • Provide a clear view of entry activity.
  • Demonstrate compliance by providing detailed reporting of security practices used to manage and protect passwords.
Extensive activity logins

Administration reports

  • Generate administrative logs of admin level activity, such as added, modified, or deleted vaults and users.
  • Establish liability and transparency by keeping track of every single operation.
  • Keep an eye on insider threats by observing all activities performed by admins.
Administration reports

Keep track of deleted entries

  • Generate reports that list every deleted entry in the vault you are currently browsing from.
  • Nothing is ever really lost since you can easily restore a deleted entry directly from the reports.
Keep track of deleted entries

Vault and manage IT credentials and/or user passwords