Use case

Devolutions Server or Devolutions Hub Business

On premises or cloud-based password management solution

Advice for organizations on whether to choose Devolutions Server (Self-Hosted) or Devolutions Hub Business (Cloud-Based) password management solution.

Who is this use case for?

This use case is for organizations that want guidance on whether they should choose Devolutions Server or Devolutions Hub Business to securely vault and manage business user passwords along with other sensitive information (e.g., building alarm codes, software license keys, etc.).

The problem

Strong password management is essential. Research has found that 81% of data breaches are caused by compromised, weak, or re-used passwords, while 29% of all data breaches (regardless of attack type) involve the use of stolen credentials.

To reduce the risk of a data breach and enhance security hygiene across their workforce, many organizations wisely want to adopt a centralized password management solution. However, they are unsure if they should choose Devolutions’ cloud-based password management solution Devolutions Hub Business, or Devolutions’ self-hosted password management solution Devolutions Server.

The solution

Both Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business provide organizations with secure, robust, and easy-to-use password management tools and features, including:

However, there are some important differences as well. Answering the following three questions will help organizations determine whether it is better for them to choose Devolutions Server or Devolutions Hub Business.

1. Do we need to authenticate users via Active Directory?

Organizations that answer “yes” to this question should choose Devolutions Server, which allows authentication via Active Directory. Devolutions Hub Business does not support this option.

2. Do we need Privileged Access Management (PAM)?

Organizations that answer “yes” to this question should choose Devolutions Server, which has a built-in PAM module for monitoring and controlling privileged accounts. Key PAM-related features include:

3. Do we need an self-hosted solution for compliance or security purposes?

Organizations that answer “yes” to this question should choose Devolutions Server. While Devolutions Hub Business uses the latest AES 256-bit encryption standards, some organizations may nevertheless need or prefer an self-hosted solution for enhanced compliance or security purposes. For example, some organizations in certain industries (such as healthcare) may be required to maintain full in-house control of their data (i.e., their data cannot be stored outside their environment with a third-party service provider).


Both Devolutions Server and Devolutions Hub Business feature a web interface, which allows end users to quickly and easily save credentials and other sensitive data in a shared vault, or in their private user vault. In addition, both solutions seamlessly integrate with Remote Desktop Manager, which centralizes all remote connections on a single platform that is securely shared between users and across the entire team.

Summary of benefits