Release notes
Version 2025.1.0.38 (March 12, 2025)
MDM (Mobile Device Management) Support
Activity logs now contain information about which credentials were displayed in a PasswordList
Added a "hidden mode" checkbox to the Wi-Fi entry
Added a new keyboard option in toolbar customization, enabling users to display only the function keys
Added additional fields for the IP address list data entry
Added additional fields for the IT assets data entry
Added additional fields to the Host entry
Added an 'HTTP code check' mode for VPN connection
Added more duration options to Devolutions Send
Added new fields for the Driver's License Data entry
Added search by tag for Multi-Vault Search in DVLS data sources
Added SSH Keys listing selection in 1Password
Added support for multiple checkouts on a single entry
Added support for SSH and Telnet macros. While macros cannot be configured on the mobile platform, those set up on other platforms, such as Windows, are fully supported
Added the ability to add and edit post-login commands for SSH entries
Added the ability to request temporary access to all entries within a folder
Attachments and documents are now locked for editing when an entry is checked out
Credentials selection for SSH Proxy configuration of terminal entries has been added
Credit card owners without a direct contact link are now saved properly
Data source master key management has been clarified
Devolutions Send UI improvements
Enabled dynamic selection for Private Key stored in a Secret Server credential when using "Linked (Vault)" and "User Vault" modes
Entry security analyzer UI improvements
Exporting entries no longer requires editing rights as long as exporting and viewing rights are given
File backup history has been implemented, and some backup issues have been fixed
Host entries, templates, and Quick Connect now support Devolutions Gateway
Implemented a warning message when utilizing Curtain Mode in ARD Sessions
Implemented the following Dashboard widget: Expiring Entries (User Vault)
Improved clarity of the prompt for comment title
Improved help section in the Password Generator tool
Improved the configuration of DVLS Privileged Account entries in DVLS data source
Improved the fluidity of mouse acceleration
Improved the loading speed of the PAM dashboard
Improved the UI of the Extended Keyboard for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Improvement to keyboard processing in RDP, VNC, and ARD. Users can revert to the legacy implementation by toggling it off in the application settings if needed
Improvements to the multi-vault search UI
Introduced new options for SSH Key entries: 'Copy Private Key' and 'Copy Public Key'
It is now possible to define alternate hosts if the Devolutions Gateway becomes inaccessible
Optimized network usage for RDP sessions when the application is in the background to reduce bandwidth consumption
Password fields now support multiple lines
Permission sets are now visible when asking for temporary access
Portable licenses are now supported when used on desktop
Pwned password evaluation is now optional in the Password Analyzer to reduce its loading time
Removed an outdated validation button in the Password State entry
Removed the option to request temporary access to a folder if its content does not have the rights to do so
Secure note entry UI improvements
Security around Devolutions send options has been enforced
Security for entry duplication has been enforced
SSH Terminal sessions now supports file transfer with SFTP
Support for automatic check-in using linked vault credentials in prompt mode has been added
Support for Ctrl+Alt+End in nested RDP sessions has been added
The application now supports edge-to-edge navigation on devices with Android version 15
Toggling the bottom toolbar on/off with 3 fingers no longer increases the font size
UI improvements have been made to Host entry to clarify VPN settings
Users can now check in an entry that is checked out directly from the root dashboard
Users can now copy one-time passwords in the overview
Users can now receive push notifications when using a DVLS data source if they have authorized notifications on their device
Users will now receive notifications for requests to approve or deny temporary access requests and PAM checkout requests
Users will now see a dialog when attempting to take a screen capture while the protection setting is enabled
Vaults can now be toggled within the multi-vault search
When sending a secure message via email from a Hub data source, the email will now be sent in the same language as the application's user interface
You can now select which logs to include in a support ticket and preview the files that will be sent
Fixed some access rights issues, mainly related to the private vault
Fix a crash that could occur when using the Quick Connect feature
Fixed a potential issue that prevented users from clicking on 'Manage application password' in the application settings
Fixed an issue causing folders to save incorrectly in Hub data sources
Fixed an issue preventing connections to refresh when changing vault from the vault search
Fixed an issue preventing users from selecting credentials from the user vault when 'Prompt on connection' credentials mode is set in a session entry
Fixed an issue that allowed users to view passwords when linked credentials were inherited
Fixed an issue that caused "View Password" to prompt a selection dialog twice for Password List entries
Fixed an issue that caused the app to freeze when validating certain entry credentials
Fixed an issue that could cause Hub Privileged Account entries to be saved incorrectly
Fixed an issue that could crash the application when clicking on a smart folder
Fixed an issue that prevented passwords from being viewed or copied if a session's credentials are linked to another vault
Fixed an issue that was causing the Google Drive data source to malfunction in restricted mode
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Favorite connections tab from refreshing properly when favorites are removed
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Linked (Vault) credential mode from fetching from the last used Shared Vault while being in the User Vault
Fixed an issue where an alarm code could be mistakenly opened as a session
Fixed an issue where connections remained visible after deleting a data source. The last remaining data source can no longer be deleted
Fixed an issue where custom instructions required for CyberArk PSM SSH connections were not displayed in RDM
Fixed an issue where Devolutions Gateway wasn't considered when an SSH Tunnel is linked to a session
Fixed an issue where editing RDP Gateway credentials could cause the application to crash
Fixed an issue where selecting an administrator as a recipient was not possible when sending a message via the in-app messaging system
Fixed an issue where the search bar was case-sensitive when creating a new entry
Fixed an issue where the Shift key would reset when pressing and holding another key
Fixed an issue where too much information was displayed in the My Personal Credentials and My Privileged Account sections
Fixed an issue where viewing a password from the Password List overview required selection of the desired password, even if the 'view password' option was on a specific one
Fixed an issue with the My Account Settings when the save location was changed
Fixed and issue where some fields in the contact entry were not saved correctly
Fixed some display issues on landscape tablets
Fixed some entry types that do not appear on the Create entry screen, despite being supported by the app
Fixed the "cannot connect" image in the vault's background
Fixed the platform name when viewing the password of a KeePass entry
Fixed various issues with the top app bar
Fixed visibility issues related to the PAM check-out prompt
Folders containing checked-out entries can no longer be deleted
Removed the option to change the connection type of an account setting or privileged account while editing, as it is no longer supported
Resolved a display issue in portrait mode on phones, ensuring the 'View Password' and 'Devolution Send' buttons appear correctly in the overview window for Password List entries
Resolved an issue where retrieving attachments could fail on SQL and DVLS data sources
Users can no longer send messages to disabled users
VPN credentials were not cleared from the session when switching to another VPN that didn't use them
Version 2024.3.4.4 (December 20, 2024)
CVE-2024-11621 Fixed TLS certificates not being validated on non-Windows platforms
Fixed a possible crash that could occur when setting a keyboard layout in an RDP entry
Resolved an application crash that occurred when attempting to edit the deprecated entry type 'Login (Account)'
Version 2024.3.4.2 (December 16, 2024)
Resolved an issue that could prevent sessions from opening correctly when the option to always open in landscape mode is enabled
Fixed an issue causing the documentation and attachments to be visible in offline mode, even though it was not supported
Fixed an issue where credential viewed comments were prompted before validating the entry status
Fixed missing certificate validation for non-Windows platforms
Version 2024.3.3.7 (November 26, 2024)
Added the ability to parse recovery codes from the clipboard in the OTP session edit
An issue with SQL Server offline mode has been resolved
Improved the reveal view for Data Entries
Improved the user interface for editing SSH terminals
RDP, VNC, ARD, SSH, TELNET, and PowerShell Remote sessions now each have individual toolbar configurations
Unsupported session types have been removed from the PAM dashboard
App now opens the "what's new" web page within the app instead of the device browser
Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when opening a window
Fixed an issue causing the password generator to ignore changes when changing default template settings
Fixed an issue where Azure Proxy Pre-Authentication was not functioning with RDM and DVLS
Fixed an issue where changing the network connection could cause the application to crash during the refresh of the connection list
Fixed an issue where the application could crash when disconnecting from a remote session
Fixed an issue where the application could crash when opening an RDP session
Fixed an issue where the CyberArk Dashboard with SAML Duo did not prompt in the web interface
Resolved an issue with the layout of certain password fields
Version 2024.3.2.6 (October 21, 2024)
Added a setting to set the pointer size mode to 32x32 for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Added a setting to use Pointer Capture as the input method for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Devolutions Send now includes a view limit setting for shareable links, allowing the link to be viewed a specific number of times or an unlimited number of times if that option is selected
We now support RDP Session Jump
Fixed an issue where duplicating a shortcut entry bypassed permission checks when added to the root folder
Fixed a bug that caused the application to crash during the initial setup when opting to create a 'Hub Personal' type data source and confirming the selection
Fixed a missing translation for the SAM Account Name label when creating a new group in Active Directory
Fixed a performance issue that caused UI jitter when scrolling through a vault with four or more consecutive entries displaying status indicators, improving the overall fluidity of the user experience
Fixed a problem in the menu's handling of unsupported connection types
Fixed an issue in the 'SSH Key' section of the dashboard that prevented it from displaying any information
Fixed an issue that led to excessive sign-ins when accessing the Zoho vaults, preventing the premature exhaustion of the Zoho 20-login daily limit
Fixed an issue when editing the Pleasant Password Server in My Account settings. The app would crash when attempting to save or clear data in the edit dialog
Fixed an issue where the 'Show User Vault' slider option incorrectly appeared in the 'Entry Security Analyzer' tool for data sources without user vaults, such as XML and Hub Personal
Fixed an issue where the app would freeze upon closing an SSH Jump session
Fixed an issue where the SSH key entry failed to load the public key after being importedand did not prompt for the passphrase when required
Fixed an issue with the Devolutions Send in-app feature that restricted message recipients to admin users only
Fixed issues affecting the search bar and multi-vault search functionality
Fixed issues with the number picker
Fixed several issues in the widget customization dialog
Fixed various UI issues across the application that could lead to crashes
Version 2024.3.1.0 (September 26, 2024)
Improved stability throughout the app
Version 2024.3.0.17 (September 23, 2024)
Added a custom timeout setting option in the Hub Business data source
Added direct access to settings for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions from the session toolbar
Added extra fields to the driver's license entry
Added stylus support for RDP sessions
Added support for Delinea's new cloud platform
Added support for the Norwegian Bokmål (nb) language
Added the ability to copy a session's IP address to the clipboard directly from the entry's overview
Added the possibility to add an AD user to a group when editing a user (previously only possible by editing a group)
Additional information has been added to the password analyzer to indicate if a site supports MFA using the 2FA Directory
Data source list UI improvements
During the checkout process for PAM credentials, added an option to automatically check in the credentials upon closing the associated session
Enabled custom fields 4 and 5 in entries to be marked as sensitive and revealable
Enhanced RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions with the ability to automatically collapse the toolbar
Fixed an issue where RSA key sizes larger than 2048 bits were not being accepted for VNC sessions
Fixed an issue where the gateway was not functioning for SSH and Telnet sessions
For RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions, added a scrollbar to enhance touchscreen scrolling
Improved barcode scanning speed in RDP sessions
Improved Devolutions Send with the ability to specify an expiration time for requests sent via email
Improved sign-in and logout processes for Devolutions Account
Improved the access to CyberArk by simplifying the use of CyberArk credential entries, reducing the need for multiple logins each time an entry is accessed
Improved the CyberArk dashboard 'Connection' workflow
Improved the launching of entries from the CyberArk Dashboard by relying on the Prerequisites
Improved the message shown when creating a Hub Personal data source without an initialized vault by including a link to initialize the vault
Improved the user interface for some item selection lists
Information on Most Recently Used entries is now stored in the user's data within the database for SQL Server data sources
Introduced a view option for secure notes
Introduced actions such as View, Send, and Copy to Clipboard for all sensitive data entry fields on the entries dashboard
Introduced an option to disable local IME for RDP sessions
Introduced copy username functionality to PAM Accounts entries
Introduced curtain mode support for ARD sessions
Online backups for local data sources such as XML are now deprecated. Users can now save backups locally and manage them as desired
Password quality UI improvements
RDP session UI improvements
Removed the DOD type from the User Vault tab in the SQL Server data source
Syntax highlighting and character bolding configured for SSH Shell on other platforms are now supported in RDM for Android
Temporary Access now supports customizable permissions
The "Force login before going offline" option is now supported for the DVLS data source
The checkout entry function now supports a new option that requires a comment before proceeding with the checkout
The Google Drive and Dropbox data sources are now deprecated
Fixed an issue in PAM where, despite filling all required fields for a Grant Checkout, a prompt incorrectly stated that fields were missing, preventing the checkout from being granted
Fixed an issue in RDP sessions where rotating the screen in the "Advanced (RDP)" section caused the application to crash
Fixed an issue in the DVLS and SQL data sources where selecting 'Owner' or 'Team' in 'IT Asset' entries within User Vault incorrectly showed entries from shared vaults
Fixed an issue in the DVLS PAM entry within a SQL Server data source where the self-approve checkout was not functioning
Fixed an issue in the entry overview where the 'View Password' option of a sub-entry mistakenly showed the password of its parent entry
Fixed an issue in the SSH Key generator where generating a SSH Key of type 'DSA' didn't work
Fixed an issue in VNC sessions where the CTRL-ALT-DELETE keys were not functioning with the soft keyboard
Fixed an issue that blocked dynamic credential linking in the OTP section for entries of type password list
Fixed an issue that prevented viewing passwords in Keeper entries
Fixed an issue where accessing a favorite entry's menu from a different vault than the one it was created in displayed menu actions that should only appear when accessed from the original vault
Fixed an issue where changing the RDP session keyboard layout within the application settings was not functioning
Fixed an issue where document entries were not being correctly duplicated
Fixed an issue where linked credentials did not forward OTP information in user-specific settings
Fixed an issue where local backups were not working for XML data sources
Fixed an issue where sub-connections were not loading correctly within vault search
Fixed an issue where switching to the Japanese keyboard layout was not taking effect within a remote session
Fixed an issue where the "find by name (user vault)" private key mode was incorrectly listed as an option for data sources that do not support the User Vault
Fixed an issue where the selected remote display was not functioning in Apple Remote Desktop
Fixed an issue where VEncrypt (TLS) authentication was not functioning in VNC sessions
Fixed an issue where, after a temporary access request, Operator users could still initiate sessions after permission expired, prior to refreshing
Fixed an issue with the DVLS data source log off function that was not working
Fixed issues with the multi-vault search functionality
Fixed multiple issues in RDP sessions where certain key combinations from external keyboards were not properly transmitted to the host
Fixed multiple issues with the ping tool that were causing it to malfunction
Fixed UI issues within the widget customization window
Version 2024.2.3.1 (August 28, 2024)
Fixed an issue that could lead to the 'Valid from' and 'Expiration' dates being overwritten with incorrect values in credit card entries
Fixed an issue that could prevent VNC sessions from connecting successfully
Fixed an issue that led to the app crashing if a ping call was made before editing an entry
Fixed an issue that resulted in the app crashing if the user opened a PAM Dashboard entry, canceled the login screen, and then tried to edit the entry
Version 2024.2.2.4 (July 23, 2024)
Added auto-typing functionality to the Web Browser entry
Added OTP functionality to entries for business users
Added support for shared system options: Refresh before Execute, View Password, Copy, and Edit. Additionally, you can now override these settings with local options on the device
Minor UI tweak in DevoSend: changed the button order on the dashboard
Small UI improvement: The "All Approvers" icon has been added to the PAM checkout window
The "Application API Key" setting is now optional in the BeyondTrust Password Safe entry
Fixed a localization issue in the onboarding process
Fixed an issue that prevented connections from loading in certain circumstances when switching data sources
Fixed an issue where copying an OTP from 'Password List' prompted the credentials list twice
Fixed an issue where dynamic credentials were not saved when linked to the User Vault
Fixed an issue where the CyberArk PVWA credentials account prompt only displayed the first 11 vaults
Fixed an issue where the message "The current user has logged off" was sometimes incorrectly displayed depending on how an RDP session was ended
Fixed an issue where the Pwn check was not working when enabled for supported entries
Fixed multiple issues on document entries
Fixed unable to edit gateway entries
Version 2024.2.1.2 (July 2, 2024)
Fixed an issue in the Opened Sessions preview that could cause the application to crash
Fixed an issue where VNC sessions could not authenticate on Real VNC servers
Version 2024.2.0.16 (June 18, 2024)
Important messages and special notifications will now be centralized on a dedicated notification screen, accessible through the main application drawer. Simply tap on the 'Notifications' section to view them, avoiding disruptive pop-up message dialogs
Opened sessions are now displayed on a new selection grid screen, where they are visible along with a preview of each session
Sealed entries: Partial implementation of the new multi-platform feature for sealed entries. Sealed entries from other platforms are now supported, allowing access with appropriate warning message
Added 'Base station username' field to the WiFi entry
Added a custom sorting order for the values in the "Other (custom)" entry
Added clipboard buttons directly into the entries' overview
Added paging support to the CyberArk dashboard session
Added previously missing cursor to Telnet session
Added support for fetching OTPs from Bitwarden credentials
Devolutions Send is now supported by the SQL Server data source, provided it is enabled by the administrator in the data source settings
Group names in PAM JIT elevation requests will now display in a more user-friendly manner when their display names are configured by the system administrator
Improved navigation performance when switching from the Vaults screen to the Sessions screen
Improved PAM checkout duration management
Improved the feedback for the minimalist toolbar anchoring gesture in remote sessions
Improved the performance of the Password Analyzer tool
Improved the user interface for navigating multiple open remote sessions
Improved the user interface for the master password and password change screens
Improved the user interface of the "Add Entry" screen
Introduced a stretch resolution option for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Introduced an Offline Security feature to enhance security by requiring a password before going offline. This option is available in the application settings, under Security & Privacy > Application Security
It is now possible to connect to a Devolutions server data source using a certificate
Made small improvements to the entries options menu, especially the "more" section
SSH Terminal session improvements
SSH Terminal will now ask for confirmation before pasting multiple lines of text at once (this can be turned off in the confirmation prompt)
The favorite status of entries will now be preserved when exporting and importing entries
The same session can now be opened multiple times, with each instance displayed in a separate tab, rather than reopening and keeping you in the same tab
UI improvements for the Delinea Secret Server credentials
Vault selector UI improvements
Vaults configured with a Business Unit can now be displayed under their respective Business Unit
When configured through RDM Windows, Devolutions Hub or DVLS, vaults can be set to only allow the creation of specific entry types
Fixed an issue in Devolutions Send that prevented linked credentials from functioning
Fixed an issue that could prevent the validation of Dropbox or Google Drive accounts during data source configuration
Fixed an issue that prevented the Import/Export feature from being available when the current data source type was Hub Personal or Hub Business
Fixed an issue where renaming a file during an SFTP session could result in the file becoming inaccessible
Fixed an issue where temporary access was not enforced when launching sessions through the PAM dashboard
Fixed an issue where the back button was not functioning in SSH Sessions
Fixed an issue with 'Always prompt with list' credentials, which could prevent dynamic credentials from being resolved based on their configuration
Fixed an issue with RDP sessions linked to 1Password credentials
Fixed an issue with SSH sessions where font size changes were not applied when the font settings were updated
Fixed an issue with the setup wizard where it always displayed "Step 1 of 1" regardless of the actual step the user was on
Fixed several potential issues with the AD console session
When performing a check-in on a PAM Dashboard, a prompt is displayed stating that the 'Approval Request' was approved. This message is confusing and should not appear
Version 2024.1.6.1 (June 3, 2024)
Fixed an application crash on some devices when sending a request through Devolutions Send with DVLS as the current data source
Fixed an issue with the Ctrl key not being recognized in SSH sessions when using a hardware keyboard
Fixed UI issues in the application settings
Version 2024.1.5.3 (April 29, 2024)
Tweaked colors to make the current selected data source easier to read
Fixed a bug causing the keyboard to open unexpectedly during SSH sessions
Fixed a bug that could result in the loss of private and public key data when editing an entry
Fixed a crash that occurred when the device lost its internet connection while adding an entry in a DVLS data source
Fixed several potential issues with the AD console session
Version 2024.1.4.1 (April 15, 2024)
Added the two following fields to the Asset entry: Service level agreement (SLA) and Support tier
Implemented Keep Alive support for the CyberArk Console and Data Source
Implemented LDAP support for the host URL within Active Directory
Renamed the 'Private Key' entry to 'SSH Key' and implemented several minor enhancements to the entry
Updated the 'More Settings' section in the advanced tab of the SQL Server data source by including the MultiSubnetFailover option
Fixed a display issue in the SSH Key Generator window
Fixed an issue in the SSH Shell entry where the 'linked' Gateway mode did not display the system vault option as a selectable linked value
Removed the 'Send Password' option from SQL Data source entries, as it was mistakenly available for the SQL data source
Version 2024.1.3.0 (March 28, 2024)
Fixed an issue affecting a small selection of devices that could cause the application to crash
Version 2024.1.2.0 (March 25, 2024)
Fixed issues with special characters not being properly interpreted in SSH Shell and Telnet session
Version 2024.1.1.3 (March 18, 2024)
1Password now supports One-Time Passwords (OTPs)
Introduced Strict Key Exchange Mode support for SSH entries, enhancing initial key exchange integrity
The SSH Terminal interactive authentication window now displays a toggle to show/hide the password
Fixed a glitch in the view password option for attachments, which showed invalid passwords for entries in Hub Personal, Hub Business, and DVLS data sources
Fixed an issue that prevented the export functionality from being shown for the Hub Personal legacy data source
Fixed sorting order variations in password list entries
Version 2024.1.0.39 (March 6, 2024)
Resolved an issue causing the application to crash while editing a Password Hub Legacy data source
Version 2024.1.0.38 (March 5, 2024)
CyberArk PSM Connection
CyberArk PSM Server
PowerShell entry type
Share sensitive information securely with Devolutions Send
Added 'Answer Back' option for XTerm in SSH Shell sessions
Added 'Disposal Method' field to the Asset Entry
Added a port field in the quick connect window
Added an option to hide the device's bottom navigation bar in sessions when Gesture navigation is disabled on the device
Added Devolutions Gateway support for SFTP and SCP sessions
Added ISO_8859_15 encoding support in the SSH Shell entry
Added secure gateway option in VNC entries
Added summary and network sections to the IT asset entry
Added support for AES-256-CBC and AES-192-CBC encryption and decryption algorithms in private keys
Added support for rz&sz commands in SSH Shell and Telnet sessions
Added the capability to elevate user privileges during the checkout process for compatible DVLS entries
Added the possibility to mark vaults as favorites in SQL Server, Hub Business, and DVLS data sources
Application setting UI improvements
Application stability improvements
Autofill feature is being moved to our "Workspace" app. Access to this feature on Remote Desktop Manager will end on June 4th 2024
Enabled the 'assign to' field in the software entry to accept any entry type
Enhanced the UI of the 'Report an Issue' form
If a device with RDM configured for fingerprint authentication registers a new fingerprint, users will be prompted at the next app opening to log in with their app password and reactivate fingerprint login in the settings
Improved RDP session stability by ensuring sessions remain active for longer intervals even when the application is minimized
Improved Split View interface for sessions such as FTP, SCP, SFTP, Google Drive, and others
Improved the application's launch speed
Improved the backup and restore functionality for a more intuitive user experience
Improved the date validation for credit card entries
Improved the deletion process for favorite folders by introducing a confirmation step that presents users with options
Improved the deletion process for XML data sources by providing an option to export the data to a specified location before its removal from the device
Improved the loading speed of both the entry popup menu and the entry overview
Improved the reliability and speed of barcode scanners when transmitting scanned data through an RDP session
Introduced a "View Only" (Observe) mode option for VNC sessions
Introduced microphone support in RDP sessions
Introduced paging to the CyberArk dashboard entry to avoid loading all safes simultaneously. This change addresses potential delays caused by a large number of safes, ensuring initial quick access. Additional safes can now be loaded as needed by the user, on demand
Introduced the option to add 'Delete' and 'Enter' key shortcuts to the custom toolbar for RDP, ARD, and SSH sessions
Minor enhancements made to the Contact entry
Minor improvements in the 'Submit a Support Ticket' window
Minor UI enhancements in the entries' menu
Okta OTP is now supported across all session types compatible with one-time passwords
Ping tool UI improvements
RDP sessions now automatically display the SD card from the client's Android device as a drive in the File Explorer, provided the SD Card is detected
RDP sessions now fully support the Portuguese keyboard in Unicode
SSH sessions now offer the option to enable compression
Temporary access request performance improvements
The application's icon can now adapt to the device's theme
The Devolutions Server credentials has been improved to allow fetching credential information from both the user vault and shared vaults
The minimalist toolbar for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions will now retain and default to its last used position. If moved, upon reopening a session, the toolbar will appear in the same location as previously set. This default behavior can be turned off in the application settings
The Quick Connect feature has been improved to include a network scan, enabling it to detect available machines for connection
We now display a compatibility warning message to alert users when the application version is mismatched with DVLS or Hub versions
You can now directly upload/update and view documents from the context menu for entries of type 'Document'
Fixed a bug in the Software License entry that caused the language dropdown menu to display only English
Fixed a connection issue when accessing RDP via an SSH Tunnel set up as a Secure Gateway
Fixed a stability issue where changing the screen orientation while accessing a VPN entry caused the application to crash
Fixed a translation mistake within the 'Support Ticket' window
Fixed an issue a problem that prevented users from viewing their own checkout requests on the PAM vault dashboard
Fixed an issue causing partial credentials to not be resolved properly when viewed or edited
Fixed an issue causing the application to crash when clicking the question mark in the OTP configuration section for supported entries
Fixed an issue encountered while attempting to delete a folder and its subfolders that were created from a template group
Fixed an issue in access requests for Secret Server credentials that caused the 'from' and 'to' dates to be reversed in the approval form
Fixed an issue in the Google Drive session where the file list was not fully visible because it did not utilize the entire available screen space
Fixed an issue in the initial setup wizard where the displayed step number was always incorrect
Fixed an issue preventing the creation of a DVLS privileged account in My Account Settings
Fixed an issue that allowed opening the 'Cyberark Dashboard' session without a valid Cyberark License
Fixed an issue that blocked the duplication of entries when they were locked for editing by other users
Fixed an issue that could lead to entry duplication when importing entries into a DVLS data source
Fixed an issue that prevented the entry of multiline text in secure note entries
Fixed an issue that prevented the File Manager from appearing when its button was selected in the Tools section
Fixed an issue that prevented the use of the copy password feature for entries supporting it when the password was hidden and not displayed
Fixed an issue that restricted the use of the backslash character in entry names. The backslash character is now accepted for all entry types, except for Groups\Folders
Fixed an issue where Secret Server credentials did not work with SSO configuration
Fixed an issue where some dialogs were not resizing correctly
Fixed an issue where submitting a temporary access request without specifying a custom authorizer resulted in an error
Fixed an issue where the user vault was overlooked in the multi-vault search
Fixed an issue where TOTP and Duo settings were not being saved in the application settings
Fixed an issue with PasswordState credential retrieval in configurations using One-Time Passwords (OTPs)
Fixed an issue with the hub data source's offline mode
Fixed an issue with the sessions' extended keyboard icons appearing greyed out, which previously misled users into thinking some keyboard keys were disabled
Fixed flickering of the bottom menu bar when adding or removing a favorite entry
Fixed RDP session login problems for users with Kerberos authentication and SSPI settings set to 'Portable'
Fixed several issues with the entry overview
Fixed some UI inconsistencies across our RDM Mobile applications for Android and iOS
Version 2023.3.6.3 (January 30, 2024)
Fixed a problem with the SQL server data source that was preventing data from being read properly
Version 2023.3.6.2 (January 16, 2024)
Fixed an issue where renaming a 'Favorites' entry from the user vault resulted in its duplication in the shared vault
Fixed an issue with the XML data source that could lead to corruption of the storage file. This issue specifically impacts files located outside of the application storage
Fixed the Italian language not visible in the application settings
Version 2023.3.5.1 (December 20, 2023)
Discontinued the 'Open Session' feature for SSH Shell, Telnet, SSH Tunnel, Proxy Tunnel, SCP, SFTP, FTP, TFTP, Port Forward, and WebDAV sessions on devices running Android OS versions older than Android 9
Fixed an issue where the CTRL key was not functioning properly in SSH Shell sessions
Version 2023.3.4.4 (December 7, 2023)
Hub credentials and DVLS credentials UI improvements
PAM Dashboard performance improvements
Exporting entries is now restricted when the data source is in read-only mode
Fixed a configuration issue with Hub Business credentials, where the list of available entries from the selected vault was always empty
Fixed a root duplication error preventing the migration from DOD to Hub personal
Fixed an error that could occur when exporting an entry from a Hub Business data source with the 'Include entry documentation' option selected
Fixed an issue that could occur when importing an entry into an SQL Server data source
Fixed an issue that could prevent the display of the keyboard in SSH sessions
Fixed an issue where newly created folders in the Hub Business and Hub Personal data sources were not visible unless the data sources were refreshed
Fixed an issue where the Tab key was not functioning within SSH sessions
Fixed an issue within the advanced section of the SQL Server data source where the more settings dialog was too small, failing to adequately display all configurable values
Fixed SQL data source connection issue with Azure SQL databases
Fixed the Website entry overview not displaying the Find by Name Value
Version 2023.3.3.12 (November 22, 2023)
Added a new setting for managing TCP acknowledgement timeouts in RDP sessions
Can now choose the terminal encoding in SSH and Telnet sessions
Made a minor UI adjustment in the data source configurations: changed "auto go offline" to "automatically go offline."
The Hub and DVLS data sources will now automatically switch into readonly mode if a significant version mismatch occurs between the mobile version and the deployed server version
To avoid potential issues, we've restricted the name length of newly created folders to a maximum of 255 characters in the Private Storage Explorer
Fixed a bug that could break the app if a specific advanced system setting was active
Fixed an application crashe that could occur after selecting "yes" or "no" from the Telemetry dialog
Fixed an error that could occur during the Hub Personal data source login process
Fixed an error that could occur with the Hub Personal data source or Hub Business data source when deleting or editing a folder
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Ping Tool option from appearing in the connection's menu
Fixed an issue where RDP sessions were receiving inaccurate values when input was sent through devices equipped with barcode scanners
Fixed an issue where the floating keyboard would disappear upon key press in RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Fixed an SSH Shell issue where characters entered could be misinterpreted when used in conjunction with the sudo command
Fixed missing timestamps in RDP logs
Fixed the "View Password" dialog buttons that appeared grayed out, even when they were active
Version 2023.3.1.1 (November 3, 2023)
Fixed a 403 error that occurred when performing actions like editing or saving within a Hub Personal data source that had been migrated to the new Hub Personal format
Fixed microphone support in RDP sessions
Fixed the 'Check if host is online' setting not saving when set as disabled
Version 2023.3.0.24 (November 1, 2023)
Active Directory Console entry
Added a split view mode for FTP and SFTP sessions, enabling users to view local files and remote files side by side
Added support for 1Password service accounts
You can now customize the toolbar for the following session types: RDP, VNC, ARD, and SSH Terminal
Added a gesture legend in RDP, VNC and ARD sessions
Added more fields to the Asset entry
Added Site contact type, Team folder type and link team in asset
Added support for OTP on PAM entries in DVLS
Added support for shared space in Dropbox data source
Administrators can now revoke temporary accesses directly from the dashboard
An entry being edited by another user can no longer be duplicated
Can now set default values for SSPI module management and authentication in RDP sessions
Comments are now a mandatory requirement for Pam checkout requests
Dashboard improvements
DVLS PAM credentials can now be used in your user vault
Enhanced clipboard security (Android 13 and above)
Fixed the Alt-Tab shortcut in RDP and VNC sessions
General UI improvements
Hub Business access requests now support roles
Improved account creation loading message
Improved behavior for ":" character in OTP settings (warn instead of disallow saving)
Improved the Password Generator UI
Improved the performance of Devolutions Hub data source
Improved the Ping function
Improved the SSH Key Generator tool interface
Improved the the options menu UI inside remote desktop sessions
Improved Unicode key handling for RDP sessions
In file explorers (FTP, SFTP, etc.), added option to open the selected file
Introduced a migration wizard to assist users in transitioning from their Devolutions Online Drive data source to a Hub data source
PAM approval requests can now be sent to all authorized approvers
PAM approvers can now perform checkouts on behalf of other users
RDP override support for CyberArk Dashboard
Removed support for MySQL data source
Removed the Delete and Move options from the Favorites context menu
Temporary access requests in Hub Business can now be submitted based on a designated role
CVE-2023-4863 Updated SkiaSharp to fix a vulnerability related to libwebp
Addressed various issues related to click events on the root dashboard
Fixed a bug associated with custom connection images that was causing the application to crash
Fixed a bug in the entry Export/Import functionality
Fixed a bug that caused an error when attempting to establish a connection with PSM-RDP in the CyberArk dashboard
Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging files in SCP sessions
Fixed a crash that occurred when putting the CyberArk session in the background while selecting a safe
Fixed a language setting issue where selecting Chinese Simplified didn't function as expected, resulting in the application reverting to English as the default language
Fixed an authentication issue with the OneDrive entry
Fixed an issue in ARD sessions where dragging an item could lead to an unexpected disconnection from the session
Fixed an issue where sub connections were not moved correctly when the parent was moved
Fixed an issue where the long-press functionality in touchpad mode was not working correctly in RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions
Fixed an issue with the autofilling of credentials not working for certain websites in Web sessions
Fixed an issue with the online backup that could lead to an application crash
Fixed Hub personal data source disconnecting for no reason
Fixed issue with checkouts for PAM account when ticketing type is set to Default (none)
Fixed rare issue where it was not possible to turn off biometric authentication
Fixed Security Provider Passphrase V3 not functioning correctly when used with SQL data sources
Fixed the entry overview displaying incorrect Created By and Updated By values
Fixed the safes not loading in the CyberArk dashboard
Version 2023.2.1.15 (June 20, 2023)
Access Code entry
Added a new credentials type: Devolutions Hub Privileged Account
Added support for CyberArk MFA delimiter and CyberArk MFA Challenge/Response
Added support for Privileged Access Management(PAM) with the Hub Business Data Source
DVLS - PAM - Just in time elevation
DVLS - PAM usage policies
Firearm entry
Global contacts support
Home screen shortcuts can now be created for all session types
Insurance Number entry
IP List entry
Remote Desktop Manager sessions can now be opened from Devolutions Workspace
SSH entry OTP automation
Users can now set up an application OTP (TOTP or Duo) for enhanced security, which also helps avoid potential issues if the system admin has enforced an OTP requirement for application startup
Added a customizable mouse wheel scrolling speed setting for RDP sessions. This setting can be found under the User Interface section in the application settings
Added an option in the Advanced (RDP) section that lets you turn off MSTSC credential parsing in RDP sessions, giving you the freedom to customize how credentials are handled
Added more special keys to the SSH toolbar
Added the possibility to assign a contact to the credit card owner of a credit card entry
Added two new folder types: MacroScriptTools and Credentials
Administrators can now create temporary access for users
Deprecated Bitwarden's Email mode
Duo stability improvements
Enhanced Terminal(SSH Shell) experience with verbose output
Improvements to entry Groups user interface(UI)
Minor UI changes in the IT Asset entry
Ongoing UI improvements
Passportal credentials now supports the Duo bypass feature
Rearranged the PAM approver list to display in alphabetical order
Temporary access now supports linked accounts
Temporary access request durations now start at the moment of approval instead of the moment of request
Temporary access requests can now be scheduled for a future date and time
Temporary Access Requests in View Password Mode, allowing password viewing and copy functionality exclusively
Temporary access requests will now display relevant information to the approver about the related access they will grant
The Credit Card entry type can now automatically detect its associated credit card type
The data sources in the 'Add New Data Source' dialog are now conveniently organized into three distinct groups: Enterprise, Individual, and Small team
Tooltips UI improvements
VNC sessions: added Unicode support
Fixed a bug in the Pam Dashboard Session that caused duplicated folder display, despite the existence of only one folder
Fixed a bug that previously caused the View Password feature to display only the password without including the associated username
Fixed a bug that was affecting the minimalist RDP toolbar, causing it to disappear
Fixed a dashboard display issue on Lenovo Tab M10 FHD Plus, eliminating possible application crashes
Fixed a hub data source issue where creating a new entry would mistakenly generate two entries instead of one
Fixed an application crash that could occur when opening a Telnet or SSH session
Fixed an application crash that occurred when closing an SCP session that was configured with a bad Username or Private Key Passphrase
Fixed an application crash that occurred when connecting to data sources configured to use Duo multi-factor authentication(MFA) with YubiKey
Fixed an issue that was causing Host and Website entries to be excluded from the tree structure display in the Hub and DVLS credentials
Fixed an issue with KeyPass credentials where the presence of a '/' character in the title of associated entries would erroneously cause them to appear under fake folders in the tree structure
Fixed an unusual font problem that was affecting the SSH Terminal session
Fixed some keyboard issues with RDP and VNC sessions on mobile devices and Chromebooks
Version 2023.1.3.7 (June 5, 2023)
Added a new option for RDP, VNC, and ARD sessions that lets users modify the long press delay according to their preferences
Added a new option in the Experience section of RDP sessions: 'Detect network automatically'. Enabling this option may help resolve connectivity problems
Added a new option that allows for more precise control over mouse acceleration speed in RDP, ARD, and VNC sessions
Added a new option to OTP credentials that lets users append or prepend a combination string to the password
Added an option that can be enabled to prevent tapjacking on OS versions older than Android 12
The credit card entry type now automatically detects the credit card type based on its number
Fixed a connection problem with the RDP session
Fixed a problem that could have prevented certain entries from retrieving their passwords
Fixed a problem with the PAM checkout approval
Fixed a user vault import/export problem
Fixed an error in Hub Business that occurred when attempting to save a password that met the requirements of the default password template
Fixed an issue with the autofill feature that could cause the application to crash
Fixed some keyboard issues with RDP and VNC sessions